Care during pregnancy
Once pregnancy is confirmed, a woman enters arguably one of the most exciting periods of her life. You may find that almost every part of her body has changed by pregnancy. The changes associated with pregnancy and reactions to these body changes vary from women to women. Some women can experience a range of symptoms during pregnancy.
Acupuncture provides natural, safe and gentle care. Due to its minimal effects on the foetus, it is one of the best treatments of choice for many pregnancy related conditions. The pregnancy related conditions/symptoms that may benefit from acupuncture include
- Morning sickness
- Constipation, heartburn, indigestion
- Fatigue, restless legs
- Sinus congestion
- Backache, cramps, and other pains
- Cystitis
- Fluid retention
- Headache, insomnia, anxiety, stress
- Varicose veins, haemorrhoids, etc.
Breech presentation
Breech presentation is an indication for elective Caesarean section (C-section) in many Western countries. Acupuncture and Moxibustion have been used safely in China for thousands of years to turn breech babies (Yang YK, et al. Chinese Arc TCM. 2005;23(7):5276.). Recently randomized controlled clinical studies in the West have also shown that this treatment can effectively correct foetal presentation (Neri I, etal. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2004;15(4):247-52). It is a safe and natural option for women willing to experience a natural birth.
Inducing labour
Most women go into labour between 37th week and 42nd week of pregnancy. Apart from being very uncomfortable and impatient, there are some issues associated with going beyond your due date, such as a slightly increased risk of stillbirth because the placenta will begin to deteriorate; the foetus may grow too big to pass through the delivery channel which could resulting in a c-section. If there are other health conditions such as uterine infection, water has broken without contraction, you have high blood pressure or diabetes, etc. and there is concern for your baby’s health or your health, your obstetrician might suggest inducing labour.
Acupuncture has been used safely and successfully for thousands of years to help speed up the labour process and relieve pain in China. It is being increasingly used in Western medical practice. Some recent clinical studies in the west have also shown positive results (Allais G, et al. Minerva Ginecol. 2003;55(6):503-10.). Acupuncture allows mothers-to-be an easier and less painful birth, as well as making it much easier for them when it comes to induction.
Care after birth
Giving birth is both exhausting and emotional. After the birth, a woman may feel very tired and emotional. Physically, you may feel sore, especially if you have had stitches. You may feel that you don’t have the energy to look after yourself. Some women may experience symptoms related to birth.
A lot of emphasis and care was given to the new mother in ancient Chinese culture. It has been widely shown that traditional Chinese medicine is effective in helping to relieve symptoms related to child birth and in helping you to adjust more easily to the many changes in your body and the demands of your new life. Post-natal conditions that may benefit from TCM treatment are:
- Post partum depression
- Pain>
- Headache, insomnia, stress
- Constipation, Indigestion, Bloating